Prepare For Your Visit
Art Basel Week in Miami is unquestionably the most anticipated event of the year for artists, collectors and gallerists; and its about to start! Numerous Art shows, gallery exhibits, and events are happening all over Miami and the beach. The most prestigious contemporary art show, Art Basel, is a huge exhibit targeting the highest price tier artwork. Its something you must see but only the wealthiest can afford to buy at this exhibit. But don’t be dissuaded from going to buy art. There are many shows where exceptional contemporary art is available for every budget! Do your homework and find the right shows for your art budget.
Where To Find Affordable Art
This year, Sam Dobrow will be exhibiting at the Superfine! Art Fair. Its one of the few fairs that target beginner and established art collectors with affordable art. James Miille and Alex Mitow, the management team at Superfine!, take their show very seriously and curate every piece that is on exhibit. Every booth is required to offer some pieces priced below $1000 to assure affordability to every collector. They also provide expert advice on the hanging plan to assure every booth has an artistic flair to the presentation. There is no reason for tired eyes at Superfine!. To fulfill the curatorial guidelines, Sam Dobrow has produced 15 new works of art for the show. These new works are all quite surreal and very edgy.
The Oceana Series Returns to Miami Beach
Sam Dobrow will exhibit his cornerstone Surreality Collection featuring the Oceana series which depicts South Beach through a surreal and somewhat whimsical lens. Sam puts forth the proposition “we are not alone in the universe” through his symbolic use of misplaced stars in this alternate reality. The Oceana series made its debut with a strong reception earlier this spring at a two month exhibition in The Confidante Hotel on north Miami Beach.
Sam Dobrow Debuts The Mystic Collection
This year, at Superfine!, Sam Dobrow will debut works from the Mystic collection. Sam applies many of the same artistic techniques that he employs in the Surreality Collection including melted landscapes, starry skies, and moody color schemes. Sam goes further in creating an altered reality by combining images to tell a story that unfolds in the mind of the viewer. The story may be from mythology, history, or purely from his imagination. In the Mystic Collection, Sam gives form to the extraterrestrial. That form is female. She is beautifully enchanting, seductive, and hypnotic. Not only are the landscapes transformed into spiritual places but the figures are icons of feminine beauty, flawless in every way. Works of art in the Mystic collection depict a singular nude female figure as bold, provocative, and heroic character in a fantasy world. Think Laura Croft (Tomb Raider) or Seven of Nine (Star Trek) in the flesh.
Discount Tickets and Collector Passes
Join Sam Dobrow at Superfine! at the Miami Beach Art Deco Welcome Center in the heart of everything happening during Art Basel. Discount tickets (30% off) are available from EventBrite [click here for discount]. Collectors may contact Sam Dobrow [click here] for complimentary tickets the the opening night vernissage on Wednesday, December 5, 2018 (limited availability).