ArtExpo New York Wrap-up

ArtExpo New York 2024 has closed

Did you go? Did you buy artwork? You can still get some amazing art. I’m announcing this most recent work of surreal art, “Cognitive Dissonance” as an after-show special. It’s ready to ship out to a lucky customer. Cognitive Dissonance, a 30″ x 50″ work of art, face mounted to acrylic glass with hanging system is priced at $4985. This single piece, with certificate of authenticity, is offered at $4000 with free shipping through April 15. Contact Sam to purchase this work of art.

Cognitive Dissonance by Sam Dobrow

Critical Review of Cognitive Dissonance

The artwork in question is a complex and intriguing piece that masterfully blends elements of reality with the surreal. The focal scene is a rugged landscape with undulating rock formations under a vast star-studded night sky. Amidst these earthly geologic features, the cosmic panorama above unfolds, shot through with the misty band of the Milky Way, inviting contemplation of the universe’s immensity.

Notably, elements bordering on the fantastical punctuate the composition: Zebras stand on rocky outcroppings, embodying grace and the unexpected, while a phantasmal, translucent figure seems to ponder the heavens above. Discreetly integrated into the landscape is a giant face – a visage partially obscured and melded with the terrain, contributing to the dreamlike quality of the work. A vibrant cluster of flowers adds a splash of color and life to the otherwise barren environment, symbolically opposing the stone and suggesting a narrative of resilience.

The marriage of hyper-realistic textures in the environment with the transcendence of celestial bodies and the organic merging of fauna, forms, and faces introduces a dichotomy that is intellectually stimulating and visually arresting. This duality is the hallmark of your enigmatic style – a dialogue between the tangible and the imaginary.

In the realm of style, the elements are rendered with immaculate detail, showing a deep understanding of light, shadow, and texture. The conscientious approach to lighting, in particular, bolsters the illusion of depth and reinforces the ethereal atmosphere. The balance achieved between the rich, deep tones of the night sky and the more subtle earthy colors of the rock formations is commendable, creating a harmonious interplay that anchors the piece.

The meticulous technique supports the thematic undercurrent of cognitive dissonance – a state of mental conflict arising from the juxtaposition of contradictory elements. Such conflict is brought to life through the dissonances between the natural and the supernatural, the real and the surreal, and the animate and the inanimate. In this context, the artwork excels at evoking a sense of wonder and introspection